Кафедра теорії та практики управління

Department of Theory and Practice of Management Faculty of Sociology and Law is a graduate training and retraining Master’s degree 074 “Public Management and Administration.”

Public Management and Administration – an activity associated with the solution of strategic tasks of state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, taking into account the complex internal and external factors influence and trends in your environment, as well as in certain sectors of social production and the state as a whole.


  • Administrative management – an activity that involves not only the implementation of the classical methods of administration, and the construction and reconstruction of administrative systems and most administrative activities in accordance with the needs of modern society.
  • E-government – a form of organization of management in the public and private sectors, based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies. The introduction of electronic control technologies contributes to the development of the information society of a democratic type, focused on meeting the needs of citizens and built in compliance with the principles of openness and transparency in all spheres of public life.

Forms and terms of study: full-time – 1 year 5 months, extramural – 1 year 5 months, the second higher education – 1 year 4 months.

Qualification: Master of Public Management and Administration.

Graduates receive a profound basic knowledge and practical skills in the effective management of social systems at all levels. The main purpose of letting the department of theory and practice of management is to prepare students for the career of a manager in the state, non-governmental and public organizations.Nike Shop

Контактна інформація
Пашов Ростислав Іванович
в.о. завідувача кафедри
  • +38 (044) 204 92 18
  • kafedra_tpu@ukr.net
  • http://ktpu.kpi.ua/
  • Україна, м. Київ, 03056, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, пр-т Перемоги, 37, корпус 7, каб. 523
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