Department of History

The department includes 22 teachers: 3 doctors of sciences, 16 candidates of sciences, 2 professors, 13 associate professors, 4 teachers with advanced degrees, 3 teacher without a degree, Head of the Laboratory and 4 laboratory.

The department operates a historical study with a library of scientific and educational literature.

The department staff provide teaching of the discipline:

  • history of Ukraine (the socio-political aspects);
  • Ukraine in the context of the European historical development;
  • history of science and technology;
  • history of the Kyiv Polytechnic;
  • history of Ukrainian culture;
  • the World history of the 20 th – the beginning of the 21st century.


Контактна інформація
Костилєва Світлана Олександрівна
Завідувач кафедри
ФСП School ⚡️ Зимова школа демократії ФСП
Вступ на бакалаврат
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Чат для вступників
Канал «Абітурієнт ФСП КПІ»
День відкритих дверей
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