International Office

The International Office of the Faculty functions in the context of the general tasks of international cooperation in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute:

  • coordination of activities in the field of international cooperation;
  • ensuring the participation in international scientific and practical and educational projects, programs (search, preparation, control and enforcement, accounting, audit, analysis of results);
  • providing links in matters of international scientific and practical cooperation with public associations, foreign scientific institutions, and firms, international scientific organizations and foundations;
  • assistance in the development of scientific research in directions and projects aimed at supporting international scientific and practical cooperation;
  • attraction of new sources of financing in the field of international scientific and practical cooperation;
  • providing advice on procedures for preparing and submitting international projects.
Our partners
Academic mobility coordinator
International scientific and educational activities
Erasmus+ credit mobility projects KA1 (University Academic Mobility Office website)
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (University Academic Mobility Office website)
Useful links

День відкритих дверей ФСП
Бакалаврат 2024
Магістратура 2024
Чат для вступників
Канал «Абітурієнт ФСП КПІ»
Думка студентів про факультет і навчання
Контакти відбіркової комісії
Розклад занять