Conference of the labor collective

On March 1, 2017, a conference of the labor collective of the Faculty of Sociology and Law took place, attended by representatives of the teaching, teaching, support and student staff.

Dean of the FSL Melnichenko Anatolyi made a clear and concise report on the state of affairs at the faculty and the implementation of the collective agreement for 2016.

In addition, teachers and students heard a report and presentation of the chairman of the trade union bureau Fabrikantova Yulia for their work in 2016, where special attention was paid to the issues of social protection and development at the faculty.

The collective of the FSL gave a positive assessment of the work of the faculty and the trade union bureau.

Delegates of the labor collective conference unanimously approved the collective agreement of the FSL for 2017, with a draft of which all departments of the faculty were previously acquainted.

The conference approved the new membership of the Academic Council of the FSL and approved representatives to the Academic Council of the University.

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