
Conference “Crime is a social problem and its solutions in Ukraine” (Kharkiv)

National University of Law named after Yaroslav the Wise, November 4, 2016 holds the All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference “Crime as a social problem and its solutions in Ukraine”.

The conference is scheduled at the National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise (Pushkinskaya str., 77, Kharkiv).

Abstracts of presentations, together with the application for participation in the conference should be sent before October 20, 2016 (inclusive) of the organizing committee by e-mail: conf.crim2016@gmail.com.

Help is available by phone: + 38 (050) 826-60-16 (Avtukhov Konstantin Anatolievich, executive secretary).

View information sheet of the conference (in Ukrainian)Nike Air Force

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