
Schedule of entrance exams and interviews

Entrance examinations in general subjects

Ukrainian language and literature – July 22;
Mathematics – July 23;
Physics, Foreign Language – July 24;
the history of Ukraine, chemistry – July 25;
reserve day – July 26th.
The beginning of entrance exams for general subjects is 10:00.
Entrance to audiences one hour before the beginning.
Consultations are held on the day preceding the exam at 16:00.


July 21 at 10:00.

Professional exams

professional exam (mathematics, chemistry), professional examination (Ukrainian language and literature, history
Ukraine) – July 25;
Professional exam (mathematics, physics) – July 26;
backup day – July 28.
Professional exam starts at 10:00.
Entrance to audiences one hour before the beginning.
Consultations are held on the day preceding the exam at 16:00


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