
Educational programs

PhD degree
  • Philosophy

Research interests

Department of Philosophy
  • general scientific principles and innovative practices of modern social work;
  • research on the philosophical foundations of the creatosphere and cultural creation;
  • research on the philosophical foundations of the formation and development of cyberspace as a new social reality.


Professors, associate professors and teachers of the department teach philosophical disciplines to students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education at all faculties of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The most experienced specialists teach philosophical disciplines as part of the training of applicants for higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level (PhD). There is a postgraduate and doctoral program at the department. In 1996, the Faculty of Sociology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was established on the basis of the departments of philosophy, history of Ukraine, political science and sociology.

In 2008, the Faculty of Sociology and Law (FSP) was established.

Starting from 2018, the department is a graduate majoring in 231 Social Work.

We liaise with international programs and take care of our students, who have the right to acquire knowledge and skills outside our country.

День відкритих дверей ФСП
Бакалаврат 2024
Магістратура 2024
Чат для вступників
Канал «Абітурієнт ФСП КПІ»
Думка студентів про факультет і навчання
Контакти відбіркової комісії
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