
Opening of the exhibition Michael Minakova



The third alternative

Choosing actually appears merely when alternatives than two.

“We – that is what we chose.” This phrase of Jean-Paul Sartre not statements of fact, and only wish philosopher. Too often we make the choice situation binary oppositions. In them we do “easy choice” between good and evil, between chorym and white for forward and up, not back and down.

However, there is nothing obludnishoho than “easy choice” in our complex reality. If we do not see a third alternative, then the choice is made for us. Another. Context. Tradition. K / anything, but not us. So we always – that’s what we chose? Are we – that we have chosen for other / e?

People – beings who create meaning. This smyslotvorenni our knowledge manifests itself as inter-subjective. Any experience is both my and our. Any knowledge – personal and interpersonal. We create meaning, which shows both himself and us, and what is between us. The social nature of knowledge provided by anonymous authorities, giving tools to smyslotvorennya. And in conjunction with the meanings they substituted. Among these instances – languages, traditions, habits, myths, ideologies, discourses.

Meaning can be as oppressors and liberator! Critical philosophy gives hope for emancipation from anonymous ideological framework.

This photo has a huge wealth that can be useful invaders freedom. Photography as no other art encroaches on maximum representation of reality, because it transmits light and shade available. But the frame set photographer, is at the same time ideological maxim that drives the viewer at the same angle of view, it sets the owner of view – photographer.

Also, the photo may be a destroyer of enslavement. The presence of a third color to black and white photographs represents a third possibility – and more – option. I picked up the three-color photos that would give rise to suspicion as to my intentions. I call fire distrust over and offered me options in the hope that the audience will wake up critical philosopher.

Choosing actually appears only when alternatives than two.

Michael Minakova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies graduate program Fulbright-Kennan 2012-2013 (Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA). Author of three books and over seventy articles on philosophy, history, politics and culture; headed by Kant-Society in Ukraine, the magazine “Ideology and politics” Critics Institute Foundation and quality policy.

Michael Minakov engaged in photography as an alternative way of philosophizing. He studied the art of photography at Harvard School of Design (2010, 2012) and The Studio Arts Department of The Smithsonian Associates (2012-2013). Previous experimental Michael Minakova photo exhibition “Ideology and Culture. Washington Monumental between the Roman Republic and Empire “was in The Smithsonian Associates in February 2013

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