In Memory of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds

February 20, 2017 students and teachers of the Faculty of Sociology and Law on the occasion of the Day of Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds honored the memory by putting flowers to the memorial board installed in the hall of the 19th building of NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnical Institute” student of the FSL Yuriy Popravka.

The speech was delivered by the dean of the FSL Melnichenko Anatoliy and the chairman of the trade union bureau of the FSL Fabricantova Yulia emphasizing that the first participants in the revolution of virtue were mostly students who came out at the call of the soul to uphold the dignity and freedom of Ukraine. Some of them have changed the history of our state at the cost of their own lives. We must always remember this! This is a great human and national feat of selflessness, strength of spirit and steadfastness of Ukrainian citizens.

Eternal memory to Heroes!


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