One of the Best
in Ukraine

Our specialty

  • Some examples of employment of graduates: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Department for International Cooperation and European Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ward Howell, Luxoft, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv City State Administration, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Pension Fund of Ukraine, Scientific Research Center for Applied Sociology “Socioplus”, etc.

    281 Public Administration

    Our Faculty prepares specialists in the field of public administration and administration of the modern level, who are able to analyze the state policy and develop measures for its implementation, know the regulatory framework of public administration, have the skills of project management, strategic and tactical planning, development of management decisions.

  • Some examples of employment of graduates: Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, KPI them. Igor Sikorsky, Scientific Research Center for Applied Sociology “Socioplus”, Agency for Social Research, State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, “LigaBusinessInform” Information Agency, banking institutions, etc.

    054 Sociology

    A sociologist has a wide range of technologies for collecting and processing information, is able to organize and conduct sociological, marketing and political research (from the development of a research program to specific recommendations with their subsequent implementation), has computer programs for the processing of sociological information.

  • Some examples of employment of graduates: Austrian law firm ENWC, Association of Ukrainian Banks, Prosecutor’s Office of Pechersk district of Kyiv, Legal Information Agency “Interbansk Security Service” Scythian “, Kiev City Justice Office, Pechersk District Court of Kyiv, Commercial Court of Kyiv Oblast, Ukrainian Human Rights Foundation, Ukrainian Institute industrial property, etc.

    081 Law

    Our Faculty prepares specialists in the fields of commercial law (business law) and administrative law, intellectual property rights and information law. Lawyer in the field of commercial law is among the top 10 most promising professions in the country, according to the rating of the “Focus” magazine.

  • Some examples of employment of graduates: Institute of Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Social Services Centers, Department of Social Policy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, National Pedagogical University named after. Drahomanov, Society of the Black Cross in Ukraine and others like that.

    231 Social work

    Specialization “Social work and Internet technologies” involves the training of specialists in the field of work with Internet communication, digital technologies in management, the media component of personal and corporate brand. As a result of training, the graduate acquires knowledge and skills in the field of media work, SMM, SEO, content management, professional use of modern technology.

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