(Українська) Участь в мирній громадянській акції протесту “Профспілки вимагають гідного життя для людей!”
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Детальніше(Українська) Вітаємо Архипову Євгенію Олександрівну!
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Детальніше(Українська) Вшанування пам’яті з нагоди Дня Гідності та Свободи
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ДетальнішеDictation of National Unity
Attention teachers and students! We invite everyone to take part in writing the dictation of national unity, which will be held on 09.11.2016 at 11:00 in the library of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Intitute, hall number 12. Limited number of seats....
ДетальнішеParticipation in peaceful civil protests against tariff increases
November 1, 2016 the representatives of the staff and students of the Faculty of Sociology and Law actively participated in a peaceful public protest against the “dragon” increase of tariffs for housing and communal services. Shock growth...
Детальніше(Українська) Подорож студентів та викладачів до Батурина
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Детальніше(Українська) День народження Факультету соціології і права
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ДетальнішеCongratulations to Miss FSL!
The faculty of sociology and law have always been distinguished not only smart, but also beautiful girls. At all times the jury was difficult to choose the best among many best. But on March 10, they made their choice. Congratulations to the winners!Nike...
ДетальнішеFirst aid kit on FSL
As early as two years at the Faculty opened a small pharmacy , where each student can receive free essential medicines . Students , you have been through this before , that the headache finds you right on the pair , and you dont know where...