First scientific and practical conference “Internet of Things: Problems of Legal Regulation and Implementation”

Date: October 24, 2017.

Deadline filing abstracts: October 13, 2017.

The purpose of the conference: the launch of a scientific discussion on the formation of the principles of the doctrine of the domestic system of law related to the use of Internet technologies of things.

The main thematic directions of the conference:

  1. Features of the phenomenon of the Internet things in certain spheres of society’s life.
  2. Problems of using Internet technologies in various spheres of social activity (health, industry, agriculture, education, state administration, transport, trade, city ​​infrastructure, etc.).
  3. Legal Aspects of Risks and Barriers to the Implementation of Internet Technology of Things.
  4. Theoretical and methodological foundations of regulation of social relations in the use of Internet technologies of things, in particular systems with artificial intelligence, cloud technologies and large data.
  5. Internet of Things in Legal Activity.
  6. Problems of improvement of legislation on informatization, telecommunications, use of radio frequency resources, protection of personal data, infrastructure security, cybersecurity, etc.

To register as a participant of the conference and submission of materials, you must send an electronic application form for participation and a file with theses of the report to the conference e-mail address:

The requirements for publications and other information can be found in information letter of conference.

Venue: Kyiv, 18/2,  M. Hrushevsky str., 2nd floor, hall number 12.

Registration of participants: 09:30-09:50.Boots edition

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