New specialization “Conflict Resolution and Mediation” (specialty 054 Sociology)

Conflict Resolution in any society is always an area of professional activity. The maximum demand for specialists of this specialization exists in our country today, due to the presence of an armed confrontation in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea.

For the first time in Ukraine, a comprehensive program of training experts-practitioners on the solution of social conflicts has been established, based on the latest studies of sociology, public administration science, psychology, pedagogy and public law.

Within the specialization students will receive competencies in disciplines:

  • “Sociology of the conflict”;
  • “Conflicts in world politics and sustainable development”;
  • “Modeling and predicting social conflicts”;
  • “Theory and Practice of Negotiation”;
  • “Political instruments of social reconciliation”;
  • “Theory and Methodology of Contemporary Conflictology”;
  • “Psychology of conflict and mediation practices”;
  • “Fundamentals of restorative justice”.

Graduates will be able to successfully work in state bodies, military and law enforcement structures, legal and consulting corporations, public organizations and international funds.

More about specialty 054 Sociology

More about the Department of Sociology

We invite you to study for a new specialization!SNEAKERS

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