
Presentation of Master’s Program “Conflict Resolution and Mediation”

Today, September 29, 2017, in the conference hall of the Administrative Council of the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky, celebrations were held on the occasion of the opening of the master’s program “Conflict Resolution and Mediation”. The program was initiated at the Faculty of Sociology and Law of the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky.

The event was attended by: Iakimenko Yu.I., First Vice-rector of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute; Chernish V.O., Minister for temporary occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine; Judith Gough, Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Great Britain to Ukraine; Christoph Shpeti, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine; teachers from the British and Swiss universities, professors of the FPI KPI named after Igor Sikorsky and participants of the program.

The Master’s program “Conflict Resolution and Mediation”, created by the FPC team in cooperation with the Ministry for Temporary Occupied Territories and foreign partners, is extremely important for modern Ukrainian society, as it involves the training of specialists aimed at non-military conflict resolution. Understanding the social significance of this kind of program, the university reacted very promptly to the Ministry’s proposal – and in the spring the Methodological and Academic Councils of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute unanimously approved and supported the creation of a new specialization in the preparation of masters in the specialty “Sociology”. It should be noted that the demand for this program is very high, so the university not only fully complied with the state-commissioned plan, but has students enrolled in the program at their own expense. The curriculum, developed by the university’s experts in conjunction with foreign partners, includes various blocks of disciplines: from sociological and legal-to-managerial.

Teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Management who participated in this event provide managerial training within the framework of the “Conflict Resolution and Mediation” program. In particular, our specialists are the developers of the following disciplines of the management unit: “Strategic Planning for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding”, “Conflict Prevention and Sustainable Peace”, “Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Peacemaking”, “Leadership and Crisis Management”, “Modeling and Forecasting of Social conflicts “.

Scientific supervisor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Management Melnichenko A.A. presented a model for training specialists in conflict resolution, describing a set of future competencies that will be mastered by a graduate of the Master’s program “Conflict Resolution and Mediation”.

Speech of the scientific leader of the department of theory and practice of management Melnychenko A.A.

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