
Educational programs

Bachelor’s degree
  • Law
Master’s degree
  • Economic and Administrative Law and Process
  • Information Law and Intellectual Property Law
PhD degree
  • Law

Research interests

Department of Information, Economic and Administrative Law

The main directions of scientific research in the field of administrative law:

  • state management of economic activity;
  • implementation of organizational and economic powers in administrative and legal relations;
  • legal aspects of ensuring the balance of public and private interests in administrative and legal relations;
  • theoretical and legal principles of administrative responsibility.

The main directions of scientific research in the field of economic law and process:

  • legal issues of organization and implementation of economic activity, including foreign economic activity provided by economic entities;
  • problematic issues of creation and functioning of subjects of economic legal relations;
  • legal aspects of the adoption of digital technologies in the course of laying, tying, closing, and attaching economic contracts;
  • legal ambush for the promotion of digital technologies in the economic courts;
  • procedural aspects of dispute resolution which include a foreign element.
Department of Intellectual Properties Rights and Private Law
  • constitutional right, civil procedural law, civil law, contract law, advocacy, international private law, family law, international commercial arbitration;
  • intellectual Property Law,copyright, forensic examination. Service inventions, disputes in the field of intellectual property, industrial property, reproductive technologies;
  • EU legislation, digital transformation, human rights, mediation, information safety of the person.


For information on admission, please contact the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Center for International Education

Educational and professional program “Law” is aimed at training highly qualified professionals who meet modern needs and requirements of the labor market. Applicants for higher legal education of the first (bachelor’s) level, together with the study of fundamental disciplines, have the opportunity to freely choose and expand the educational trajectory within the certificate program “Human Rights and their protection”, as well as administrative, commercial, information law and intellectual property law.

Along with fundamental legal disciplines, students gain in-depth knowledge of legal regulation of commercial and other economic activities, corporate law, management and foreign economic activity, securities market, financial and banking law, legal issues of taxation, contract law. They also gain skills in drafting business contracts, procedural documents in court cases, learn the basics of organization and implementation of legal practice.

If we consider humanity as a whole, it is currently moving from a post-industrial society to an information society, where the objects of relations are not material goods, but the ideal – information, ideas, knowledge. Total automation of most spheres of social life is associated with information support of society’s needs. This increases the social standard of living, labor productivity in various areas of the main concentration of the working population. But any information becomes a potential object of threat from attackers, who encroach on its integrity, completeness, confidentiality. Thus, illegal acts may be expressed in the opening of access, destruction, distortion of information or change of its content. Also, the inexhaustible demand of the labor market for specialists in the field of intellectual property law is due to the accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress. It is becoming easier to infringe copyright and more difficult to protect it. Scientific ideas and experiments, inventions and discoveries are only an incomplete list of those objects of scientific and intellectual property that can be created by a man armed with reason. The results of any work give rise to the formation of the legal rights of their inventor, to determine the conditions of violation and the peculiarities of the process of protection. Based on the above, the department opened a specialization: “Information law and intellectual property law”.

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Магістратура 2024
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