Social Work

Educational programs

Bachelor’s degree
  • International Social Projects and Volunteering
Master’s degree
  • International Social Projects and Volunteering
PhD degree
  • Social Work

Research interests

Department of Philosophy
  • general scientific principles and innovative practices of modern social work;
  • research on the philosophical foundations of the creatosphere and cultural creation;
  • research on the philosophical foundations of the formation and development of cyberspace as a new social reality.


For information on admission, please contact the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Center for International Education

A social worker is a specialist in providing assistance to various categories of the population.

He has a full range of basic soft skills that are easily applied in various fields and are not limited to narrow professional specialization. Emotional and digital literacy, critical and environmental thinking are the main tools of a social worker. They are among the most popular skills until 2030 according to the Economic Forum in Davos (2017).

In addition, the social worker:

  1. He/she has a deep understanding of the legislative aspects of providing social services. Has all the necessary skills to protect people in crisis situations.
  2. He/she is able to negotiate effectively and has the skills to overcome conflict situations.
  3. Has project management skills.
  4. Can work with a group and individually, knows the basics of HR and motivation.

This profession is not threatened with extinction due to globalization or the rapid development of digital technologies. Workplace support and face-to-face counseling will become an integral part of the world of fast technology.

День відкритих дверей ФСП
Бакалаврат 2024
Магістратура 2024
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Канал «Абітурієнт ФСП КПІ»
Думка студентів про факультет і навчання
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