Vacancies for students and graduates 081 Law

Solomyansky District Department of the State Bailiff Service of Kyiv, GTUYU in Kyiv, reports on the availability of vacant posts:

1. Government executors

Requirements for a candidate for a position: higher legal education, without requirements for length of service.
Task: organization and validation of enforcement of decisions of courts, other bodies (officials).

2. Chief specialist

Requirements: the higher education of the degree of junior bachelor, bachelor, without requirements for work experience.
1) implementation of consideration of appeals of citizens and legal entities;
2) implementation of organizational support for the implementation of decisions of courts and other bodies;
3) organization of timely and proper consideration of proposals, letters, applications and complaints of citizens, institutions, organizations and enterprises on the implementation of decisions of courts and other bodies, as well as personally reviewing them.

Appointment to positions is carried out on a competitive basis.

For those who wish to apply, call the department: +380 (66) 246 91 08 (Vitalina Vladimirovna).Accessories

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