An open lecture on the role of arbitration and mediation in increasing access to justice

On April 28, 2017, an open lecture on the role of arbitration and mediation in the growth of access to justice is going away. USAID “New Justice” Program together with the Center for the Rule of Law of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv will hold an event in a series of open lectures Legal talks “Rule of Law” with the participation of prof. Charles Shimansky, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Kaunas (Lithuania).

Prof. Shimansky will present his presentation on “Privatization of the Rule of Law: the Role of Arbitration and Mediation in Increasing Access to Justice”. Based on his international experience, prof. Shimane from the perspective of American law and the law of the European Union will highlight whether alternative ways of resolving conflicts are an effective and rapid means of strengthening the rule of law, particularly where the judicial system does not function properly. Prof. Shimansky will also reveal ethical issues related to alternative ways of resolving conflicts.

USAID’s New Justice Program will support an online broadcast of the event, which will enable more law students, members of the academic community, judges, lawyers and other professional lawyers to join it. The event is intended to promote the quality of law education, the introduction of modern teaching methods, as well as raising public awareness about the complex issues of rule of law.

Venue: Conference hall of the Ukrainian Catholic University, st. Kozelnitskaya, 2a, Lviv.
Beginning of the event: 16:00.

Link to online event broadcast:

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