Honoring the memory of the Heroes of Ukraine on the Day of Defender of Ukraine

On October 13, 2017, on the eve of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, the teachers and students of the FSP together with the administration of the University went to the church of St. Nicholas, and paid tribute to laying flowers to our dead students and staff during the Revolution of Goodwill and in the ATO zone. The speech was delivered by the rector of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Zgurovsky M.Z. and stressed that our guys had given their lives for our freedom and independence. We need to be worthy of their feat.

Then all participants of the walk went to the buildings number 18 and number 19 to honor the memory of laying flowers at the memorial plaques Heroes of Ukraine – Sergei Bondaryev and Yurii Popravka. With words of honor and gratitude to the dead Heroes were the rector of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Zgurovsky M.Z., dean of the FSL Melnichenko A.A., dean of the ICF Panov E.M. and chairman of the trade union bureau FAB Fabrikantova Yu.B.

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