Public Administration

Educational programs

Bachelor’s degree
  • Administrative Management
  • Electronic Governance
Master’s degree
  • Public Administration and Electronic Governance
PhD degree
  • Public Management and Administration

Research interests

Department of Theory and Practice of Management
  • political participation and social responsibility;
  • electronic governance and development of smart cities;
  • socio-institutional component and management tools of sustainable development;
  • gender mainstreaming in management;
  • management of Industry 4.0 and 5.0;
  • management in the field of public procurement;
  • sociological support of management activities.


For information on admission, please contact the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Center for International Education



Wе teach a new type of managers, specialists in the field of public administration and modern administration, who have the skills to develop management decisions, are able to analyze public policy, develop measures for its implementation and will be able to change Ukraine for the better!

Public administration is an area that is related to solving strategic tasks of government agencies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, taking into account a set of external and internal factors and trends in a competitive environment, as well as in a particular area of social production and the state as a whole.

Applicants for higher education receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are needed in future professional activities:

  • knowledge of the structure and features of the functioning of public administration and administration;
  • knowledge of standards, principles and norms of activity in the field of public administration;
  • knowledge of regulations and provisions of legislation in the field of public administration;
  • understanding and use of technologies for making, making and implementing management decisions;
  • knowledge of the basics of e-government;
  • ability to use the electronic document management system;
  • the ability to search and summarize information, draw conclusions and formulate recommendations within its competence;
  • ability to establish communication between citizens and public authorities and local governments;
  • use of methods of analysis and evaluation of sustainable development programs;
  • ability to adjust professional activity in case of change of initial conditions;
  • application of quality control methods in the field of professional activity;
  • use of data of statistical reporting, accounting and special research in professional activities;
  • application of modern technologies of marketing and management in the field of public administration.
День відкритих дверей ФСП
Бакалаврат 2024
Магістратура 2024
Чат для вступників
Канал «Абітурієнт ФСП КПІ»
Думка студентів про факультет і навчання
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