Important information for applicants Master’s degree 081 “Law”!

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 04.08.2015 №409 nine higher education institutions taking part in the 2016 as an experiment entrance examinations during admission on the basis of a bachelor’s degree to study for a Master’s degree in 081 “Law” using the organizational processes of the external independent evaluation, approved by order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine from 12.05.2016  №500. To inform applicants and all involved in the website of the Ministry of Education and Science created a separate sub-section “Entrance examinations for Master’s degree with EIE technology”, where are placed the main legal acts that regulate the implementation of the experiment, common questions and answers useful materials to help prepare for the entrance exams coming.

Date: 23.07.2016 (Saturday).

Time: 10:00.

Venue: International Scientific-Technical University named after academician Yuri Bugay (Kiev, Chernigivska subway station, Magnitogorsk lane 3)

More information: +38 (093) 600 60 01 (Mykola Taranenko).

Schedule Admission of documents to the Master’s degree in 2016

081  “Law” (Master)

04.07.2016 1400 – 1800 educational building 19, lecture hall 320

Mykola Taranenko

+38 (093) 600 60 01

05.07.2016 1000 – 1400 educational building 19, lecture hall 320
07.07.2016 1100 – 1500 educational building 19, lecture hall 320
08.07.2016 1200 – 1600 educational building 19, lecture hall 320
11.07.2016-18.07.2016 14:00-17:00 educational building 7, lecture hall 113

View the schedule Admission of documents to the Master’s program in 2016

View the schedule of entrance examinations to Master’s program in 2016

Faculty Admission commission:

+38 (044) 204 91 74
+38 (063) 115 73 91
Kyiv, 37 Peremohy avenue, NTUU “KPI”, education building 7, lecture hall 113 (1st floor)
“Faculty Enrollee” Vkontakte
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Enrollee page on NTUU “KPI” websiteNike Air Max 270 crimson

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