
Materials of the conference “Science Days Faculty of Sociology and Law 2016”

Below you can read and download the electronic version of the collection of materials of the XIX All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students and graduate students “Science Days 2016”.

The theme of the conference in 2016: “Horizons of social transformations in the way of overcoming the systemic crisis of our time.” In 2016 the conference was devoted to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

The printed version of the collection will be available in 113 audiences 7 NTUU “KPI” at Vyacheslav Pryamitsyn from 18 July 2016.

Download the electronic collection of the conference “Science Days 2016”

Обложка сборника_Дни науки 2016_previewLunar Flyknit Chukka

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