Admission 2019

Entry to the 1st course by certificates ZNO 2019

281 Public Administration
054 Sociology

1. Ukrainian Language and Liturature*
2. History of Ukraine* OR Foreign Language**
3. Math*

081 Law
231 Social Work

1. Ukarainian Language and Liturature*
2. History of Ukraine*
3. Foreign Language** OR Math*

* You can join for certificates ZNO 2017, 2018 and 2019.
You can join for certificates ZNO 2018 and 2019.

Entry to the 1st year for the diploma of the youngest specialist

From the 2019th year of the first year students for the diploma of the youngest specialist in the FSL will not be granted.

Government order

Budget places (data in 2018, the maximum amounts will be approved by the Ministry of Science later)

Full-time education:

  • 281 Public Administration – 11
  • 054 Sociology – 19
  • 081 Law – 25
  • 231 Socail Work – 11

External form of education:

  • 281 Public Administration – 10
  • 054 Sociology – 10
  • 081 Law – 11

Open Doors of FSL 2019

Fill in the registration form on “Open Doors 2019”. We will do several Open Doors days and be sure to specify in advance which day you will be more comfortable to visit us.


281 Public Administration
054 Sociology
081 Law
231 Social Work

Main dates (Bachelor)

Registration for participation in ZNO

до 30.04.2019
Placing of invitations-passes for participation in the ZNO

ZNO (Math)

ZNO (Ukrainian Language and Literature)

ZNO (German, French, Spanish)

ZNO (English)

ZNO (History of Ukraine)

Announcement of results of ZNO

з 01.07.2019
Registration of entrants electronic cabinets, loading of necessary documents

10.07-22.07.2019 (18:00)
Acceptance of applications and documents based on ZNO (on the basis of interview and/or entrance exams – 10.07.2019-16.07.2019)

26.07.2019 (18:00)
Recommendation for enrollment on government order

31.07.2019 (18:00)
Fulfillment of requirements for enrollment on government order

01.08.2019 (12:00)
Orders for enrollment on government order

max 09.08.2019
Transfer to vacant government order places

min 01.08.2019 (12:00)
Recommendation for enrollment for funds of individuals or legal entities

max 30.08.2019
An order for enrollment for funds of individuals or legal entities

The final terms will be known after the approval of the Rules of admission to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (first part of February 2019)

Main date (Magistracy)

Specialtites 281 Public Administration, 054 Sociology

13.05-03.06.2019 (18:00)
Registration for a single entrance exam in a foreign language

Preparation of additional entrance examinations for the admissions, entering on the basis of the degree of higher education, acquired by another specialty

Acceptance of applications and documents

Basic session of the only entrance exam

Recommendation for enrollment on government order

10.08.2019 (18:00)
Fulfillment of requirements for enrollment on government order

11.08.2019 (12:00)
Orders for enrollment on government order

Recommendation for enrollment for funds of individuals or legal entities

An order for enrollment for funds of individuals or legal entities

The final terms will be known after the approval of the Rules of admission to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (first part of February 2019)

Main date (Magistracy)

Specialty 081 Law

13.05-03.06.2019 (18:00)

Registration for a single entrance exam in a foreign language

Preparation of additional entrance examinations for the admissions, entering on the basis of the degree of higher education, acquired by another specialty

Acceptance of applications and documents

Basic session of the only entrance exam

The main session of a single professional examination

Recommendation for enrollment on government order

10.08.2019 (18:00)
Fulfillment of requirements for enrollment on government order

11.08.2019 (12:00)
Orders for enrollment on government order

Recommendation for enrollment for funds of individuals or legal entities

An order for enrollment for funds of individuals or legal entities

The final terms will be known after the approval of the Rules of admission to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (first part of February 2019)

View information about the Entrance Campaign 2018

Faculty. School. Together

Faculty of Sociology and Law starts active work with schools with the purpose of vocational guidance of schoolchildren. We are very appreciate each applicant and we want to talk with schoolchildren and teachers. We do this not only because of the desire to inform our faculty, in order to better understand what the modern high school students are looking for and what they are looking for.

We are always glad to meet with high school students in secondary education!
If you are interested in such activities and professional guidance, write to us
We will quickly answer and discuss the format of the meeting with students of your school / gymnasium / lyceum.

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