Showing of the film “Warsaw uprising”
September 17, 2015 | Kyiv | House of cinema | st. Saksaganskogo 6 | Blue Hall | Start session at 19:00 | Invitations
Show will be held with participation of the head of education department of the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising Dr. Carol Mazur
September 1, 1939 Hitler’s Third Reich attacked Poland from the west. Starts Second World War. For two and a half weeks, September 17, east of Poland strikes Soviet Union. Ticks that clamped in Poland, is the result of hidden agreement – the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
The historical sources belongs all that is from where we can get information about the past. In these times we have another image of the past that shaped not only relying on man-hating propaganda activities of the authorities, but also to the memory of millions of victims and the work of independent historians. Work on creating lasting images of the past and the future, and sometimes, instead of walking to the truth about victims and perpetrators, hath turned out on a path that would like to believe the nightmare of the past.
Warsaw Uprising
Idea: Jan Comas scenario: Jan Oldakovskyy, Piotr Slivovskyy, Joanna Pavlyushkyevich, dialogues: Joanna Pavlyushkyevich, Michal Sufin / 2013/85 min.
“Warsaw uprising” – the world’s first feature film, fully assembled with documentary material that tells the listed historic event through the eyes of two young reporters have witnessed insurgent battles. The film uses authentic newsreel 1944. Using modern technology and color-reconstruction audiovisual materials, and invited to cooperate bunch of famous artists, authors implemented the project, which has no international matches.
Organizer: NSKU, home cinemaRacing Archives grey
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