
Open competition for applications ERASMUS +

October 6, 2014 a competition programЕразмус+
Erasmus + – is a program of the European Union for the period 2014-2020., Supporting projects, partnerships, events and mobility in education, training, youth and sport.
Total costs in the “education and training” is 1,536,500,000. Euro and the direction of Jean Monnet – 11.4 million.
As part of a competition + Erasmus for higher education universities of Ukraine have the ability to create partnerships with universities in EU member states and other countries to implement international exchange of students and teachers, modernize curricula, strengthening links between universities and society distribute the idea of a united Europe and more.
For detailed information on participation rules, criteria for assessment of applications, application documents and so on, can be found in the published program document (Programme Guide) pdf
With the announcement of the competition following areas of application in the field of higher education is open to the participation of higher education institutions of Ukraine as a country partner’s program:
• Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training / Personal mobility in education and training (project partner), the completion of the contest – March 4, 2015
• Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees / Joint Erasmus Mundus masters programs (such as project partner), the completion of the contest – March 4, 2015
• Capacity building in the field of higher education / Capacity building in higher education, completion of the competition (ex-Tempus) both applicants and partners, the end of the contest – February 10, 2015
• Jean Monnet actions / measures of Jean Monnet (both applicants and project partners), the completion of the competition – February 26, 2015
• Strategic partnerships – the completion of the competition April 30, 2015 and the Alliance of knowledge – completing competition February 26, 2015 (as project partners only if a convincing justification unique setting and its significant contribution to the project).
Other areas in which participation can take various organizations of Ukraine within the framework of a competition Erasmus +:
• Mobility of individuals in the field of youth / Mobility in the “Youth”
• Capacity building in the field of youth / capacity building projects for youth
• Meeting between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth / Meetings between young people and policy makers in the “Youth”
More info in the direction of “Youth» –
E-twinning – more information at BUNDLES style

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