Education in our Faculty – it’s studying in the best universities of Ukraine in the field:

And do not be concerned that our Faculty of Sociology and Law to the technical university – more than 20 years we produce in the labor market for specialists on demand, the best proof of that is the fact that almost all of our graduates find jobs in their field.

The principal feature of our faculty is that we, unlike most other human faculties and institutions are trying to teach our students not only theory but also practical skills.

Faculty of Sociology and Law – is a great choice for someone who wants to build a successful career and spend years of their college life so that then happy to remember them as the best in his life. Join us, we wait for you!

Qualification and training of teachers and teaching experience (more than 50% work in the departments of 10 years and more), thereby providing the educational process at the necessary theoretical and methodological level.

Faculty. Perspective. Success.

Prospective profession. Competent lectures and teachers.
Modern teaching methods. Practice and job placement.
Ability to work with the information. University as one team.
Disclosure of personal potential.

According to the survey 45.5% of respondents admitted that the overall level of training graduates FSL Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, employed in the last year, is high. Another 54.5% of respondents identified him rather high. This suggests that the function of providing the domestic production of qualified personnel Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute performs in full.

The respondents assessed the level high enough ratio of qualifying graduates FSL Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with the requirements of the work they perform. Approximately 63.6% of the experts pointed out that the qualification of graduate fully corresponds to the requirements of the work, still 27.3% – determined that the qualification meets most of the work he/she performs. Thus, about 90.9% of employers appreciated the skills of employees, graduates FSL Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. This indicates that the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is focused on the highest quality of performance of training, continuously introducing into the process of learning the most pressing problems and issues.

History of the Faculty

Established of the NTUU “KPI”

The first faculty in the NTUU “KPI” were mechanical engineering, agricultural and chemical.


Established of Faculty of Law

Faculty graduated specialists by specialty “Jurisprudence”.


Established of Faculty of Sociology

Faculty graduated specialists in administrative management, sociology and social work.


First graduation of lawyers

Department graduated the first in the NTUU “KPI” specialists with the necessary qualifications for the post a legal adviser, lawyer, prosecutor, judge, etc.


First graduation of sociologists

Faculty graduated the first in the NTUU “KPI” specialists with the necessary qualifications for the job of the sociologist and researcher, consultant on public policy issues and an expert in marketing campaigns.


Faculty Combining

Was established Faculty of Sociology and Law, which combined the advantages of its predecessors.


Open a new specialty

Faculty of Sociology and Law starts to prepare specialists in the field of public administration and administration of the current level.

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