
IX International scientific and practical conference “Modern management problems: imperatives of sustainable development” [theses till 19.11.2017]

Dear colleagues!

We have the honor to invite you to the IX International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists “Modern problems of governance: imperatives of sustainable development”, which will be held on November 23-24, 2017 in the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky on the basis of the Faculty of Sociology and Law. To participate in the conference, scientists, teachers, postgraduate students, and students – all those involved in management issues are invited.

Information about conference


Conference topics

Section 1. Transformation of public administration in modern Ukraine and the world: from bureaucratic administration to e-governance:

  • Formation and development of the knowledge sector from “Public Administration” to “Public Administration and Administration” in Ukraine
  • Modern management technologies and approaches
  • Best practices for implementing e-government
  • Tools for e-democracy
  • Involvement of citizens in the development and adoption of managerial decisions
  • Modern e-government technologies

Section 2. Modernity and Modernization: Among Conflicts and Conduct:

  • Comparative-historical sociology of revolutions: revolutions and transformations of state politics
  • The national state and the dynamics of the world-system: who is the one who manages?
  • Political domination and state policy: between rational bureaucracy and patrimonial leadership
  • Sociology of science and rational modernization of state policy: challenges and perspectives
  • National state, world-system imperatives and conflicts: manageability and chaos
  • Populism from Breckish to Trump and the formation of state policy

Section 3. Realization of the strategic approach in the management of sustainable development:

  • Vectors of socio-economic development of Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy
  • Conceptual Principles for Ensuring Sustainable Development: A Strategic Approach
  • Regional strategies in the context of decentralization and decentralization processes
  • Ukraine 2020 sustainable development strategy: prerequisites for successful implementation
  • Risks and limitations of implementation of strategic decisions in public administration

Section 4. Legal regulation of sustainable development: problems and perspectives:

  • Legal framework of the rule of law, protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, gender, racial, cultural, ethnic equality, access to quality education, health care and social protection
  • Protection of refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants
  • Ensure the functioning of transparent and accountable state institutions, the fight against corruption
  • Free enterprise development, elimination of unreasonable restrictions, technical support modernization
  • Environmental protection, energy efficiency and energy infrastructure
  • Access to possession and disposal of land and other property, access to housing
  • Access to financial services, improvement of regulation of financing, financial monitoring, tax collection, public procurement, and other areas of financial activity state
  • Ensuring labor rights, in particular, equality in labor relations and employment programs
  • Fighting all forms of organized crime, violence and brutality
  • Legal access to information and information technology, development assistance education, science and technology

Section 5. Simulation of the behavior of socio-economic systems for decision-making:

  • Modeling the behavior of socio-economic systems in order to prevent the occurrence conflicts
  • Simulation of Sustainable Development Processes
  • Forecast (foresight) and prediction of the behavior of socio-economic systems
  • Toolkit for modeling and presentation of its results
  • General theory of modeling behavior of systems

Round table “Modern trends of PHD preparation in specialty 281 “Public administration and management Administration” with the participation of the Sub-Commission of the MESU “Public Administration and Administration”, Working Group of Specialty Passport, Foreign Experts and Public Figures.Nike Air Max

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