
Лекція професора з Сингапуру

Лекція відбудеться у Залі Вченої ради.

Лектор – Gary Lit – GL Training & Consultancy

 Tuesday 22 Sept

1.30 pm – Lecture  One

Introduction to Globalisation :  Concepts and Theories

3.00 pm – Lecture Two

Part 1 :  Globalisation and the Singapore Experience

Part 2 :  From Third World to First World

Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew  :

His Policy Successes and Mistakes

 Thursday 24th Sept

1.30 pm – Lecture 3

The East Asian Economic Miracle – Rising Dragons, Roaring Tigers or Flying Geese?

– Transformation of East Asian economies:

Prospects and  Problems for  North East Asia : Japan, China

and South Korea

– Valuable Lessons for Policy Transfer

3.00 pm – Lecture  4

The East Asian Economic Miracle – Rising Dragons, Roaring Tigers or Flying Geese?

Transformation of East Asian economies:

Prospects and  Problems for South East Asia (ASEAN) : Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

Valuable Lessons for Policy Transferadidas

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