Воркшоп “Public Religion, Ambient Faith”

Воркшоп має назву “Релігійні інститути і соціально-політичні зміни в регіоні Чорного моря”, відбудеться 29 вересня – 1 жовтня 2016, Київ, Україна і є є третьою в серії поточних практикумів за антропологічним вивчення релігії в регіоні Чорного моря.




This workshop is the third in a series of ongoing workshops on the anthropological study of religion in the Black Sea region. It aims to develop dialogue between established scholars and young researchers on the myriad ways in which religious institutions, communities and spiritual practices influence socio-political change using ethnographic methods. The workshop will feature a keynote address by Matthew Engelke, London School of Economics, a working session on qualitative methodologies, along with paper presentations and discussions. We encourage scholars to move beyond narrow nation-state or confessional frames and to consider more incisively how interconnections, encounters and divides shape religious practices and socio-political change more broadly.

The conference will explore such issues as:

  • modes of secularity and religious (inter)subjectivities
  • debates over secularism, human rights and identity
  • the relevance of concepts such as political Orthodoxy, civil religion, political theology and public religion for the study of religion in this region
  • the relationship between the sensorial, bodily knowledge, and the public sphere
  • ethnographies of doubt, indifference, vernacular religion, and the ‘spiritual but not religious’ phenomenon
  • religion, faith and the making of public space

The workshop is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation in cooperation with the research program Contact Zones.   All travel and lodging costs of participants will be covered. Papers will be presented in thematic sessions and a publication of select papers is planned. Please send abstracts of 250 words and a brief bio by 15 May 2016 to Tetiana Kalenychenko, soc.injener@gmail.com . Notification of acceptance will be given by 1 June 2016.

Organizing Committee:  Olena Bodgan, Kyiv Mohyla Academy; Liudmyla Fylypovych, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences; Alexander Panchenko, European University at St. Petersburg; Marat Shterin, King’s College London; Catherine Wanner, The Pennsylvania State University.Nike custom

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